My Story

Before the breakthrough, comes the breakdown.

I hit rock bottom. I hated existence. I dreamed of going to sleep and not waking up. I officially received C-PTSD, mold toxicity, and environmental toxicity diagnoses back to back in 2019. I received the diagnoses and the tools that provided me a roadmap to wellness. When the pandemic hit, it provided me an opportunity to go into my healing cocoon. In October 2020, a dear friend introduced me to Lucia Light and I immediately knew I found something profoundly healing. Around the same time, I also entered sisterhood and experienced the power of a group of women who helped me learn how to show up for myself day after day, to teach me how to trust again, communicate gracefully, see my triggers as my teachers and not my tormentors, and many more beautiful life lessons. I learned to live radically — in responsibility, self-love, and forgiveness (especially of myself).

I work closely with the elements, nature spirits, and Divine Feminine energies. I feel into and work with the phases of the moon and astrological influences. The Divine Feminine energies that I am most connected to are Mary Magdalene, Mother Mary, and Isis. I work with the energies that call to me when I tune in to develop and hold space for ceremony and workshop practices, dress candles, mix cacao blends.

I look forward to holding space with you and am grateful you choose to place your trust in me!

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